Home page - Trinity Ontario High School

Trinity Ontario High School is a cutting-edge virtual school revolutionizing education through modern technology, helping students to achieve the Ontario Secondary School Diploma anywhere in the world.

Why Choose Us?

Virtual TOHS goes beyond conventional online courses. We deliver comprehensive curricula accompanied by captivating recorded lectures, interactive live webinars, and opportunities for peer tutoring sessions and group interactions. Our aim is to provide a well-rounded educational experience that engages and supports our students at every step.
  • Cutting-edge Technology

    Deliver an immersive virtual learning environment with advanced software, expert guidance, and collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum

    Diverse a variety of subjects with engaging lectures, live webinars, and interactive sessions.
  • Global Accessibility

    Access high-quality education from anywhere, promoting inclusivity and diversity.
  • Student Support

    Offer personalized support through tutoring, group interactions, and dedicated faculty.
  • Recognized Credentials

    OSSD opens doors to higher education and careers.
  • 100% University Acceptance Rate
  • 30+ University/College Preparation Courses

The Value of an OSSD Qualification

  • The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), alongside the IB and A Levels, holds worldwide recognition by universities and colleges as one of the top three high school diplomas.
  • By completing 40 hours of community involvement and comprehensive academic assessments, students at TOHS cultivate practical problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and broaden their scholarship prospects at esteemed universities in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

Chat With Us About
Trinity Ontario High School

With an innovative, flexible, and globally recognized education, TOHS prepares students for success in the digital age. For more information about our program, process and experience, please join a websinar or book a 1:1 call.
Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Grade 11, University/College

Meet our Mentors

Our mentors are experienced educators who are dedicated to guiding and supporting students throughout their academic journey. With their expertise, personalized attention, and commitment to student success, our mentors provide a nurturing and enriching learning experience.
Weekly 1:1 video calls
Personalized feedback on every project
Accountability and motivation to help you stay on track
Chemistry, Grade 11, University

Trinity Ontario High School

Application Process

To register for Trinity Ontario High School, students may apply online by signing up for a private account and performing the following steps:

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    Fill in our short Enquiry Form and submit.
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    Enrollment Application

    Fill out the Digital Enrollment Application Form, submit documents and do a placement test.
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    Admission Results

    Based on the results, we will inform your private online route.
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    To begin studying, students and parents are required to submit an Offer Letter, along with additional documents and payment of fees.
Learn more about our application process
The event is specially held for Vietnamese students residing in Ho Chi Minh City who want to have a face-to-face discussion with the School and ISA – our exclusive representative in Vietnam. Parents and students will have a chance to learn more about our educational pathways for online students in Grades 9 – 11. Students can also participate in our Entrance Test and Speaking Test to see how suitable they are for our courses.
07:30 - 11:30
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