Grade 9 Science, Academic or Applied
This course enables students to enhance their understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics, and of the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Students are also given opportunities to further develop their scientific investigation skills. Students will plan and conduct investigations and develop their understanding of scientific theories related to the connections between cells and systems in animals and plants; chemical reactions, with a particular focus on acid–base reactions; forces that affect climate and climate change; and the interaction of light and matter.
Teaching and Learning strategies
Along with some of the strategies noted in the assessment for, as, and of learning charts below, strategies will include (but not be limited to):
- Computer-based Learning – students use simulations and relevant computer programs to explore science problems
- Lab Based Inquiry – students perform investigations in the laboratory
- Brainstorming and participatory dialogue
- Case studies
- Collaborative/co-operative learning – various small group learning techniques
- Field Study – students perform investigations on locations beyond the school
- Independent Study – students explore and research a topic of interest
- Report/Presentation – oral and written presentation of researched topic to class
Physics: Light and Geometric Optics
27 hours
Chemistry: Chemical Reactions
27 hours
Earth and Space Science: Climate Change
27 hours
Biology: Tissues, Organs and Systems of Living Things
27 hours
Final Evaluation
2 hours
110 hours